People in Eastern Asia believed long ago, that gold was a pure divine element, containing resourses of magical powers and positive energy. Since our days there is a ritual in some ancient temples of Thailand, during which buddhist monk, praying a special mantra, anoints the specific points in human’s head and face with real gold – the source of divine beauty, everlasting youth and inner peace.
Facial treatment “Buddha gold” – it’s a luxurious and unique treatment, which includes facial cleansing and scrubbing with natural ginger (zingiber) scrub, real golden mask and face and head massage, made with the dusts of golden mask.
Since the ancient times, gold was especially appreciated for it’s regenerating, rejuvenating and skin refreshing qualities. Empresses of Eastern countries used golden masks in order to preserve their eternal beauty. Although gold is not particularly soluble and volatile element, due to the specific structure of the mask, golden leaves desintegrate into thousands of small dust particles, which cover all the surface of the skin and go into deeper skin layers during the facial massage. Gold not only regenerates and restores skin cells, it is proven scientifically, that when gold dusts penetrate deeper into the skin, they possitively affect movement of electron particles in human’s body, creating the state of inner balance and well-being.
Glowing gold particles create an excellent deffence layer, protecting from harmful external influences, strengthening the skin’s immunity and it’s resistance. In addition to this, gold slows down desintegration of callogen and elastin, firms and smoothens facial skin, protects it from becoming flabby, enhance it’s softness, elasticity, youthfulness and glow. Facial treatment “Buddha Gold” perfectly suits for mature, dry, dull and irritated facial skin.
Treat your facial skin with this golden treatment and make it youthfully glowing and radiant, as if you were a goddess…